
Nityananda Atman (Miltiadis Eleftheriadis).
I am born in Greece.  I graduated in Physical Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in tennis. In this specialization got a rating of outstanding and my diploma as tennis coach. I second specialization as ice skating.

I was tennis player in Greece of the Association of Tennis Zografos and  I played in national championships. I was a member of the Greek Association of Tennis and I participated in tennis seminars with world famous coaches like Schoborn, Vassilen and Brabenec. I worked as a tennis coach in Athens and I worked as an assistant tennis pro at the Democritus University of Thrace for 3 years. 

What I offer

I offer psychological coaching for tennis players, clases for Self-development and leadership, Self-knowledge and meditation.

More about Atman

I am a lover of Advaita Vedanta (Nonduality), Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga. I was interested about psychology and spirituality since I was student (1981) and I devoted systematically to the study and practice of Self-knowledge, spirituality and yoga since 1992. I have developed a spiritual education method that I call (Advaita Atma Yoga) for inner development and self-realization, In this method are included practices from the traditional paths of yoga combined with modern methods and practices.

I am also dedicated to natural therapies since 1997. I am a Reiki Master healer, practitioner of Bach flowers and geopatólogo. I do also pranic healing. I have a basic knowledge of Ayurveda (traditional natural healing of India) and follow a Ayurvedic lifestyle.

I dedicate my time to self-enquiry, reflection,
meditation, yoga and the study of spiritual books and philosophy. I like singing and walking. I also love classical music and sacred music from various traditions. I am very pleased to visit places with positive vibrations and stay in nature. I like cooking and dancing.

Now I live in Barcelona - Spain, where I offer coaching, consultations, satsangs and conferences.