Friday, September 13, 2013

SEA WATER an 'Elixir' for Athletes by Nityananda Atman

"Water is not the source of life, it is life" - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Plato said, "The sea cures all ailments of man." 
 Euripides said, "The sea washes away all men's illnesses."
  Plato, Hippocrates and Aristotle recommended hot seawater baths. 

SEA WATER an 'Elixir' for Athletes 
by Nityananda Atman

René Quinton
Thanks to the biologist René Quinton who proved, one hundred years ago, that the composition of human blood plasma and the raw but diluted oceanic water were alike.

The quasi 'oceanic water' of our body is in synergy with the minutest part of our tissues. Wonder of wonders! But it was necessary for Quinton to prove his discovery. At that time, Mendeleev’s famous Periodic Table of elements which lists the 92 elements found in matter, was just little known. Quinton detected 17 elements in oceanic water with the analytical methods at his disposal. Today, thanks to the biologists Gregory and Overberger, we know that all 92 elements are present in seawater and that all of them are essential to our good health. (Source : OCEAN HEALTH)

It is now known that sea water therapy is an effective treatment that assists in the rejuvenation of the cells and also induces a health exchange of minerals and toxins between the blood and the water. Sea water replenishes the 84 minerals that your body needs, feeds your body’s beneficial bacteria, catalyzes your micro-enzymes and nourishes your body. 

 Sea water has been used with remarkable success to restore physiological balance, support gastrointestinal health, encourage the healthy growth of intestinal probiotics, encourage optimal growth, maintain optimal performance, and enhances physiological stamina.
Sea water is hypertonic but if we dilute it in spring water then becomes isotonic.

To convert Hypertonic seawater (35‰) to Isotonic seawater (9‰), the dilution rate is: 70% diluting water and 30% pure ocean water. Or one takes ordinary seawater and dilutes it with Spring Water by the ratio of 2:4.66 which means: 2 L of of pure ocean water is mixed with 4.66 L of diluting water to produce 6.66 L of isotonic ocean water. (Source : OCEAN HEALTH)

Isotonic sea water for tennis players

Gilles Simon

We can drink isotonic Sea water (diluted in spring water) or hypertonic sea water. I suggest the isotonic water which is alike the human blood plasma.

Sea water can help tennis players a lot because very often they play very tough and long time matches. They travel a lot and do hard training. Therefore they need extra stamina and endurance. 

It is also very important for tennis players to recover physically, vitally and mentally as fast as possible in order to play the next match under the best possible conditions. Sea water can give them a great help indeed.

Isotonic is ideal for tennis players and can help them with the following conditions:

Replacement of the electrolytes that are lost by sweating
Recovery from exertion and fatigue
Emotional and physical balance
Relaxation and deeper sleep 


Novak Djocovic
Every morning before we eat anything we drink a glass of lukewarm isotonic sea water which will contain in proportions:  1 part hypertonic Sea water with 2,5 parts of spring water. To drink a suggested dose of 150 ml isotonic sea water we dilute about 40 ml hypertonic Sea water in 100 ml spring water. We can add a little lemon juice of a fresh cutted lemon. It gives a good taste and helps the detoxification of accumulated toxins. 

I have no information about taking isotonic sea water during training and matches.

It is recommended the Solution to be taken orally on an empty stomach 20 to 30 minutes before meals or at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours after meals.

The Solution may be taken on a short term basis, over several weeks or months, or regularly year round, according to individual requirements. This product is not classified as a drug but is considered by traditional medicine an energy-boosting, re-balancing and regenerating nutritional supplement. 


Everybody is different and has different needs. The body constitution, the current condition of the body and his health and the activities we do at the present period of time determine the quantity of sea water we will drink. Everybody must take the dose that is necessary for him. But is quite difficult to say what exactly the appropriate dose is for everyone. We can start from a dose that is generally recommended and gradually we must learn by experience what is better for us.


Everyone must learn how his body reacts at any kind of food, drink or anything that takes in. If we are careful and attentive we can learn quite easily what our body tell us; and we must learn also to obey to what our body tells us if we want to be strong and healthy.
We must develop self-awareness and self observation in order to be aware of our body needs. Body has an instinctive wisdom and gives us signals about everything we want to eat and drink; it tells us if these articles are good or bad for our health, it tells us if we need more or less quantities of an article. We must learn to be aware of these signals and obey to them if we want to be strong and healthy.

In the beginning (I do it very often and always I need information) we can also use the method with the hand. This method give us information if a food or supplement or medicine is good for us or not; what quantity is good for us to take for every day etc.. We can ask for anything we want to eat or drink. It is a very accurate method and the only thing needed is an open mind and a little trust in the beginning; later on we will use it very simply and naturally.

extract from the website OCEAN HEALTH

Seawater Hypertonic Solution is suitable for all except those who suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition, kidney disease, eczema or psoriasis. In such cases, Isotonic "OCEAN WATER" should be employed for several weeks and then one can switch over to hypertonic solution.

· "OCEAN WATER" Hypertonic Solution may be taken as an effective supplement to promote endurance in sports.

Regular training:

· 20 to 30 ml a day,

2 to 3 weeks before a sports event:

· 30 to 50 ml a day.

During the period of competition:

· 50 to 60 ml a day.

After any major physical effort:

· 20 to 30 ml a day.

See also the interesting field trial article by Dr. Paya that is shown in this web site.


Acute fatigue:

Where the fatigue is temporary and has only just recently arisen:

· An intensive course of treatment of 30 to 40 ml a day for 2 to 3 weeks is recommended.

If the fatigue is more deeply rooted and has reached a more debilitating phase:

· 30 to 40 ml a day for 3 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until recovery is complete.

Chronic Fatigue:

· 30 ml a day, 40 if desired, for 3 to 6 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until recovery is complete.

In all cases of chronic fatigue, it is imperative to exclude the following from one's diet: peanut butter, alcohol, all forms of sugar (even natural sugars) excepting fresh fruit (i.e. no dates, no figs, no raisins, no prunes etc...). It would be wise to consult a Health Professional who is familiar with a natural and living diet in order to ensure adequate and nourishing nutrient quality and quantity.



Incompatibility: None
Side effects: None
Contra-indications: None


Incompatibility: None
Side effects: None
Contra-indications: High blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease.
In such cases, use Isotonic Seawater.

Source :