Monday, July 8, 2013

What makes a yogi and a professional tennis player successful by Nityananda Atman

The yogi Paramahansa Yogananda
Rafael Nadal

What makes a yogi and a professional tennis player successful
by Nityananda Atman

Great yogis and great professional players possess similar qualities. These qualities make them successful in their endeavors .
These qualities are necessary for everyone who wants to achieve a great goal in this life.
Similar qualities
1.      Dedication
2.      Devotion
3.      Diligent - They do their best and they are determined to do anything that is necessary to achieve their goal .They are fully motivated and they want fully to succeed in their goal. 
4.      Determination
5.      Will-power
6.      Perseverance
7.      Forbearance
8.      Self-discipline
9.      Self-control
10.  Self-confidence, faith
11.  Sacrifice
12. Concentration
13. Courrage   

 Yogis have developed these qualities in a higher degree than tennis players. 

 Tennis players can become yogis more easily than average people if they want because already have these foundamental qualities in a high degree.

Differences between a yogi and a tennis player

1.      The yogi wants to conquer his mind and go beyond it.

The tennis player wants to conquer the match.

 2.   The yogi has complete control on his mind. He has conquest his mind by prolonged spiritual practices and meditation.

The tennis player has partial control of his mind

3.      The yogi’s mind is detached and dispassionate towards sense objects.

The tennis player mind is attached, passionate and identified with the sense objects.

4.      The yogi’s mind remains tranquil and equanimous between the pairs of opposites. He remains peaceful and content and quite indifferent in success and failure, pleasure and pain, censure and praise etc.

The tennis player mind easily becomes distracted, uneasy, anxious and worried when things do not go as he wants to. His mind moves between the desire for success and fear and anger for failure.

5.     The yogi wants to make his mind sattvic introverted in order to realize his true nature which is pure consciousness and identical with the universal consciousness.

The mind of tennis player is rajasic extroverted and driven towards sense objects, seeking momentary happiness, success and fame. The rajasic mind needs to be approved and accepted by the public in order to feel special and worthy.

6.   The tennis players want to train their body and mind in order to win tournaments which will give them impermanent, trifling happiness, prestige, fame and money.

The yogi wants to purify his body, vital, heart and mind in order to make his mind one-pointed and focused within. He wants to transcend his mind and realize the truth. He wants to be free from the illusory forms created by the mind and experience eternal, peace freedom and bliss.