Friday, July 12, 2013

Tennis and Self-realization - Playing in the zone by Nityananda Atman

Tennis and Self-realization

Maslows hierarchy of needs
Tennis game wisely utilized together with regular practice and a sattvic living can be a mean for the achievement of this highest realization.

The yogi tennis player must follow a sattvic life style and must practice various techniques, methods and practices in order to establish health, balance and harmony at all levels of existence. With systematic daily practice he has to develop gradually the
positive mental and emotional qualities which are necessary for a high level of performance and at the same time are the fundamental qualities for the realization of truth. 

Playing in the zone
By daily meditation the tennis player will develop self-awareness and the witnessing consciousness. That means that he will be able to disidentify from the mental and emotional movements observing them as a spectator. Thus he will be able to free his mind from the mechanical distubing thoughts and emotions and achieve a meditative state during practice and game which is called is sports – in the zone.

Playing in the zone will be the main goal of the tennis yogi player. By playing in the zone the mind becomes tranquil, steady, focused and transcends its mental and emotional activities. The movements become spontaneous and harmonious, the performance reaches its highest limits and at the same time the athlete experiences uncaused peace, happiness and unity.

The final goal for the yogi tennis player is to enter in the zone state effortlessly and spontaneously and finally be established in it; viz. without interruption to experience the freedom, peace and bliss of his divine nature (Consciousness).