Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Affirmations for tennis - Nityananda Atman

Affirmations for tennis
by Nityananda Atman

Visualization and Affirmations are very powerful techniques to achieve certain goals in our life as well as for the development of technical and psychological skills.

Tennis is a very demanding game, physically, technically, emotionally and mentally therefore those who want to play tennis at a very high level they must develop all necessary skills at a very high level; visualization and affirmations are two very powerful tools to develop them. 

Mental and emotional qualities such as self-confidence, fearlessness, patience, tranquility which are extremely important can be cultivated by these technics wonderfully.

Pete Sampras
Tennis great Pete Sampras, who retired in August 2003 after a stunning career, is one who uses positive affirmations and self-talk to remind himself that he can conquer an opponent even if he is behind and not playing well. He will often remind himself that he has been on this court before, played the same opponent, and now needs to shift gears with some positive self-talk reminders that "everything is okay."
     Here's how self-talk works. Pete Sampras, whom I mentioned earlier, tended to let anger trap him as a child, and he allowed it to lead to negative tension on the court. To combat this tendency, Sampras says positive things to himself, such as, "I need to get out of this mind-set," "I need to let go of that last point and stay focused on the present," and "I need to stay focused on the present and prepare for the next point." When Sampras does that, he stays fresher, he is less easily distracted, and his mind is more receptive to being able to focus on the game.

  Anyone who wants to achieve the greatest possible results with affirmations and visualizations have to keep in mind the following:

  • Have faith and confidence especially in the beginning. Many others before you have succeeded by using affirmations. 
  • Later your faith will be naturally empowered by the results. 
  • You have to do affirmations regularly; every day.
  • You must do affirmations in your place but it is absolutely necessary to repeat them during training, matches and all day.
  •    What you say you must live it, see it and feel it. 
  • Mechanical repetitions of affirmations have pure results. 
  • Negative mental and emotional habits and negative beliefs reduce the effectiveness of positive affirmations.
  • Fear and doubts are the most powerful and more frequent negative factors.
  • We can also overcome fear and doubts by doing affirmations and also other technics.
  • It takes some time affirmations to give results. It depends on various factors.
  • Those who have succeed in their endeavor they did because of their perseverance, diligence, faith, determination, patience.
We can compose a variety of affirmations according our needs, the skills we want to develop and the goals we want to achieve

I give here some affirmations as examples
  • Each time I am under pressure I do my best shot.
  • In all circumstances I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • No matter what happens, what is the score, I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When it is break point I do my best serve, I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When it is break point I do my best return, I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When it is game point I do my best return.

  • When it is game point I do my best serve.
  • When the ball stops at the net I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When I do an unforced error I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When a point is lost nothing is lost. I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • When I hit the ball out, I remain tranquil, confident and focused.
  • In all circumstances my will and determination are irresistible.
  • No matter what happens, what is the score I play with confidence and remain tranquil.
Remember that when we repeat the affirmations, we also recall in our mind the mental and emotional state we want to establish in us and we live it fully.

When for example I do the affirmation "When it is game point I do my best serve", I see my self to execute the best serve and I feel exactly how I feel when I perform it actually well.

When I say "When I do an unforced error I remain tranquil, confident and focused" I recall in me the state of tranquility and confidence and I live it fully as a reality. In order to recall these positive states of mind I recall from the memory moments in which I was in this state of tranquility and confidence and I live them while I repeat the affirmation.

When the affirmation is related with a technical or tactical issue we repeat also mentally the right movement and at the same time we live the mental and emotional state we want to develop.

VIDEOS about affirmations by Luise L. Hay:
It is a good idea to watch these videos some times. They will inspire you a lot and will motivate you to start work seriously with affirmations.