Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Releasing emotional stress in tennis with Bach Remedies by Nityananda Atman

Releasing emotional stress in tennis with Bach Remedies 

 Bach’s flowers are a very effective mean that heals emotional and mental imbalances and weaknesses. Bach's remedies contain the vibrations of flowers that have been exposed under the sun for some time. They haven’t side effects and other negative reactions that may harm the body and mind as all allopathic medicines do.
In fact they heal by bringing in our mind and energy body positive vibrations that counteract the negative mental and emotional energies. Moreover they help us to be more aware of ourselves and facilitate the communication of the mind with the real self or (Soul) within. When the mind is fully aware of its source (Soul) and all negative energies are eliminated from our psych then we are really healed and we can express fully all capacities that until now were dormant.

Tennis players are human beings and as all other people they need support and training in order to overcome negative emotional states and develop positive ones.

Some of the Bach’s flowers can be very helpful to tennis players by alleviating the negative emotions and mental states such as fear, anxiety, anger, pessimism, lack of confidence, impatience which create troubles even to professional players. 

 Bach's flowers are a very simple and positive method that can help tennis players for this purpose. Dr. Bach wanted this method to be very simple in order to be easy for everyone to use them as home remedies. With little training the player can use by himself the remedies.  In the beginning he will need a little help from some practitioner of Bach remedies and later he will be capable to use them by himself. 

Two things are important for the use of the remedies:
First it is necessary a basic knowledge of the qualities of the remedies; viz. which remedy is for each emotional state. There are many books and websites that give a brief description of the remedies easy for everyone to understand.

Secondly it is necessary the player to develop self- awareness in order to be able recognize his  emotional states within himself.

Some very important remedies for tennis players

Let see first a very important one the Rescue Remedy. This remedy is can help players to get rid very difficult situations of emotional crisis. 

A very good example to understand when this remedy is used is the women's final Wimbledon 2013.

Sabine Lisicki

Sabine Lisicki
 Sabine Lisicki was in a deep emotional crisis during the entire match. She couldn't play her level of tennis at any moment of the match. She tried to get rid of this emotional state but she finally was not able to succeed. It is very difficult for everyone to get rid such an emotional state.
In this case the Rescue Remedy could give her a great help indeed. Some drops of this remedy sometimes can do miracles.

Also when a player is emotionally frustrated  Rescue Remedy gives a great help. During the breaks can drink with water some drops of this remedy.


Holly   - Anger, irritability

Holly is a very useful remedy because has the potential alleviate the anger and irritability which is a common phenomenon to all tennis players. Almost in all professional players in all matches anger is activated. For this reason it is necessary for all players to take this remedy for a long time and of course during the matches. 

Mimulus - fear of known things

After anger fear is the emotion which is almost always present in the psych of players. Mimulus is the remedy that is related with fear. Whenever you are frightened or anxious about something, and you can say what that 'something' is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take. 

Mimulus brings out the quiet courage and strength that lies hidden in all of us, so that we can face the everyday trials of life without fear.

 If the fear is overwhelming then Rock Rose  can be also be taken.

Where the fear is vague and there is general anxiety and apprehension without a specific named cause, there Aspen might be a better choice.

If two or all three kind of fear are present then a mixture of the above remedies can be taken.

Larch - lack of confidence

Self-confidence is the perhaps the most important mental skill for a high level of play. All players need to develop self-confidence. A long term use of this remedy will help a lot.

Gentian - discouragement after a setback

For those who are easily discouraged. It happens often players to be disheartened and discouraged after some failures. These emotions can make them not to fight with all their efforts until the last point of the match. The Gentian alleviates these feelings and encourages them to try again with enthusiasm.

If the emotional state is more strong and the player is ready to give up then Gorse is the remedy. 

Olive - exhaustion following mental or physical effort

Tennis is a very demanting game physically and mentally. Some times players are exhausted after long play matches.

The remedy gives us what we need to restore our strength and the faith we need to continue an effort. We may feel energised; or we may at last be able to rest properly.

Olive can be combined with Hornbeam, which is the remedy for tiredness felt before an effort has been made.

 White Chestnut - unwanted thoughts and mental arguments

This is the remedy for unwanted thoughts and mental arguments that intrude into the mind and stop us concentrating. Concentration is the most important mental skill especially for tennis. The mind must be calm and focused. When the mind compulsively do not stop of thinking White chesnut can give a great help.

Scleranthus - inability to choose between alternatives

There are moments that is difficult for tennis player to decide what to do during the match but also there are moments that players have to make mayor decicions such as to change coach or the place of training etc..Taking the remedy helps us know our what we want. We reconnect with our intuition and are able to choose simply and decisively.

Walnut - protection from change and unwanted influences

Tennis players play in different countries all over the world. They play in courts with different kind of surfaces and with players with different kind of play. Walnut can help them to adapt to new situations.
Walnut can also protect them against outside influences in general. For example when the audience of the whole stadium is with the one player the other can be protected of their psychic influences. 


 In the man final of Wimbledon 2013 Djokovic had to face not only Murray but all the audience.

Usually all players have to work with the above emotional states. It is possible to be prepared a mixture up to 6 or 7 (NOT MORE) of  the above remedies or some other from the list below and be taken.

More inforamtions about how to take remedies  

Follows a brief description of all Bach’s flower remedies; 
By clicking on the name you can read all the description of the flower according the Bach center and what the Dr. Bach himself wrote about:

Agrimony – mental torture behind a cheerful face
Aspen – fear of unknown things
Beech – intolerance
Centaury – the inability to say ‘no’
Cerato – lack of trust in one’s own decisions
Cherry Plum – fear of the mind giving way
Chestnut Bud – failure to learn from mistakes
Chicory – selfish, possessive love
Clematis – dreaming of the future without working in the present
Crab Apple – the cleansing remedy, also for not liking something about ourselves
Elm – overwhelmed by responsibility
Gentian – discouragement after a setback
Gorse – hopelessness and despair
Heather – talkative self-concern and being self-centred
Holly – hatred, envy and jealousy
Honeysuckle – living in the past
Hornbeam – tiredness at the thought of doing something
Impatiens – impatience
Larch – lack of confidence
Mimulus – fear of known things
Mustard – deep gloom for no reason
Oak – the plodder who keeps going past the point of exhaustion
Olive – exhaustion following mental or physical effort
Pine – guilt
Red Chestnut – over-concern for the welfare of loved ones
Rock Rose – terror and fright
Rock Water – self-denial, rigidity and self-repression
Scleranthus – inability to choose between alternatives
Star of Bethlehem – shock
Sweet Chestnut – extreme mental anguish, when everything has been tried and there is no light left
Vervain – over-enthusiasm
Vine – dominance and inflexibility
Walnut – protection from change and unwanted influences
Water Violet – quiet self-reliance leading to isolation
White Chestnut – unwanted thoughts and mental arguments
Wild Oat – uncertainty over one’s direction in life
Wild Rose – drifting, resignation, apathy
Willow – self-pity and resentment

The original system also includes an emergency combination remedy. Other pre-mixed combinations are offered by many remedy producers, but they tend to be ineffective because they are not chosen individually.

Dr Bach's crisis formula - Rescue Remedy
This mix was created by Dr Bach to deal with emergencies and crises - the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It can be used to help us get through any stressful moments, from last-minute exam nerves to the aftermath of an accident.
The best-known make of the crisis formula is sold under the brand name Rescue Remedy -it is a mixture of 5 remedies from the above list: