Monday, September 18, 2023

Living in the Now!

Living in the Now! Peaceful Warrior - excpert



Relaxed concentration

The tennis player begins to value the art of relaxed concentration above all other skills; he discovers a true basis for self-confidence; and he learns that the secret to winning any game lies in not trying too hard."


The secret of good performance, of achieving the results we desire, is not to try too hard to obtain those results (Gallwey, 1974).

It is about achieving a spontaneous performance, the natural expression of your person, which only occurs when the mind is calm, focused: when it seems to form a unity with the body. Mind and body cooperate in solidarity. (Pablo Antonio I. Ramírez)

The mentally strongest player has overcome all the habits in his mind that prevented him from achieving excellence in sports performance. Such a player has entrenched in his person a series of habits and mental routines specifically designed to calm the mind and extract from it its maximum potential, facilitating the availability of its resources and capabilities. The secret to winning either of the two games or levels (external and internal) lies in not trying too hard, in not worrying excessively about achieving a specific result. (Gallwey, 1974).


"Ask yourself: Is there joy, ease and lightness in what I am doing? If there isn't, then time is covering up the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or a struggle." - Eckhart Tolle

Movie: The Peaceful warrior

 Movie: The Peaceful warrior


Living in the Now - excpert

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Grief and sorrow by Atman Nityananda

Grief and sorrow loosing a game

Ambition, attachment to results and high expectations as well  as the unconscious need (and desire) to be recognised in order to feel sufficient and worthy cause us unnecessary suffering! 

Get rid of them, relax and enjoy  the game. This is true success ❤️