Thursday, December 12, 2013

Peak performance in tennis and Vital energy (Prana) by Nityananda Atman

Djokovic, Novak (SRB)
Peak performance in tennis and Vital energy (Prana)
by Nityananada Atman

 Vital energy is the power that keeps alive all beings and animates all the physiological and psychological functions. Without energy nothing is possible. All mental emotional and physiological functions are possible due the power of Vital energy (prana). That’s why it is important for anyone to have abundance of Vital energy. Especially athletes and tennis players who need to practice many hours every day and play longtime matches under difficult conditions. Athletes need to fill the depots of vital energy with proper means and avoid wasting it unreasonable.

The vital energy that supports physiological functions is called ‘physical prana’ and that of psychological functions ‘psychic prana’.
The prana is also manifested in the human body as Vata dosha (biological humor) which is one of the tree three fundamental biological humors that regulate all physiological and psychological functions (the three Gunas are also important factors for the function of mind) . The other two biological humors are Pitta and Kapha. The three together are called Tridosha (Vata- PittaKapha).

These Doshas are the most important factors for good health (physiologically and psychologically) and high performance in sports.  It is necessary to keep them in balance if we want to maintain a good health and a high level of performance. 

When doshas are unbalanced and especially the vata dosha it is very difficult or impossible for a player to achieve a high level performance because Vata regulates and coordinates perception and all movements of the body and the mind. If vata is imbalanced causes physical mental and emotional dysfunctions, which in their turn cause poor performance. That’s why Vata plays an important role in sports and especially in tennis which is a game where perceptions, coordination of movements, mental and emotional calmness and stability are very important. 

When the tennis players have the vata unbalanced then the consequences are: lack of coordination that leads to poor strokes, unforced errors, insecurity, fear, mental confusion, improper perception, lack of vitality and vigor and indecision.
Therefore the players must be aware about it and with the guidance of an ayuverdic practitioner or an ayurvedic doctor will apply certain methods that bring vata back to balance.

It is also important to know that vata becomes very easily unbalanced -more easily than the other two doshas. There are many factors that aggravate vata dosha; that’s why we have to learn about them and avoid them. If it is not possible to avoid them we must neutralize them with different ways and methods.
For example excessive physical efforts which are one of the main factors that aggravate vata cannot be avoided because this is the nature of tennis game. Therefore the players must do things that alleviate the aggravation of vata due to physical exertion and bring it back to balance as much as possible. For example they must practice relaxation and make massage with vata oils. By doing so they create the best possible physical and mental conditions that will enable them to play at very high level.
According the proportions of the three doshas in the body of players they can have a different kind of constitution. The synthesis of doshas is fixed when the embryo is arrested and cannot be changed.

According the synthesis of doshas in the body there are constitutions or types on which the one dosha is predominant over the other two.

These are:

Vata type: The vata dosha is most predominant.
Pitta type: The pitta dosha is most predominant.
Kapha type: The kapha dosha is most predominant.

There are also constitutions or types on which two doshas are predominant

Pitta-Vata type
Pitta-Kapha type
Vata-Kapha type

There is also a very rare constitution where the three doshas in balance

Vita-Pitta- Kapha type

Vata constitution players (in those who the vata is predominant) are more prone to vata imbalances; viz. the factors that aggravate vata cause to them more easily vata imbalances than the players with pitta and kapha constitution. Therefore those players with vata and vata-pitta constitution must take care more to keep vata in balance than the players with pitta or pitta-kapha constitution.
But it is important for all players regardless their constitution to keep vata in balance.

Doschic constitution of a player 

 The doschic constitution of a player can be found by an ayuverdic doctor or practitioner who will examine his physical and mental characteristics. The body frame, the muscles, the characteristics of face, skin etc. can give can give reliable information about the doshic type of a player. But is also necessary other factors to be examined in order to determine more precisely the constitution of the player.

We see below some of the common characteristics of people who have a predominantly Vata constitution. 

I remind you here that some of these vata characteristics can be found in the other constitutions because all constitutions have also the vata dosha.

Creativity, mental quickness,
Highly imaginative
Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget
Sexually easily excitable but quickly satiated
Slenderness; lightest of the three body types
Talk and walk quickly.
Tendency toward cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates
Excitable, lively, fun personality.
Changeable moods.
Irregular daily routine
Variable appetite and digestive efficiency
High energy in short bursts; tendency to tire easily and to overexert.
Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance.
Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance.
Tendency to act on impulse.
Often have racing, disjointed thoughts.
Generally have dry skin and dry hair and don't perspire much

Most of Professional tennis players have Vata, Vata-Pitta and Pitta constitution. The are no kapha tennis players at professional level. There is possibilty very very few players to have Pitta-Kapha and Vata-Kapha constitution.

I put here some examples of players according their constitution determined only by their body frame and the characteristics of their face.



Paire, Benoit (FRA)
Granollers, Marcel
Janowicz, Jerzy

Djokovic, Novak (SRB)



Nadal, Rafael (ESP)
Murray, Andy (GBR)

Monaco, Juan (ARG)





Berdych, Tomas

Zemlja, Gr
Del Potro, Juan Martin

VATA is the most important or primary of the three biological humors because it governs the other two (pitta nad kapha) and is responsible for all physical processes in general. For this reason, disturbances in Vata have more serious implications than the other two doshas, affecting the entire body, the nervous system as well as the mind.

Vata is the basic energy of the body and nervous system; promotes a healthy balance between the thought and emotion, excellent energy level, proper coordination of all body functions and all physical movements, promotes normal respiratory function, regulates sensory perception, the nervous system and gives rise to creativity, activity and clear comprehension. 

See also in this diagram below the effects of balanced and unbalanced Vata.

Effect of Balanced Vata

Effect of Unbalanced (Excess)Vata

Proper coordination of all body functions.
Normal movements associated with eating, digestion, and elimination.
Mental activity controlled and precise.
Control of the organs of perception and the organs of action.
 Stimulation of digestive juices.

Desire to lead an active life; vitality, curiosity and natural interest.
Normal drying of occasional mucous discharges.

Normal respiratory function

Normal sleep pattern.

Excellent energy level.

Body functions impaired or disorganized.
A weakened immune system.

Movements for eating, digestion, and elimination disturbed (bloating, constipation, gas).

Mental agitation, confusion; impaired memory.

Incoherent speech. Fast and disconnected speech.

Inability to make decisions.

Sensory disorientation
Perception and action are inappropriate; senses are dulled; responses untimely.

Deficiency of the digestive juices.

Shortness of breath, dry cough, disturbance in respiratory movements.

Insomnia, light or interrupted sleep.


Non-specific fatigue. Chronic tiredness, mental and physical.

Anxiety, worry, 


Depletion of Life Force.

A tendency to overexertion.

Emotional depression. Emotional conflict.


Physical tension and other symptoms of stress.

Aggravated Vata

Aggravation of vata weakens the nervous system. Most neurological disorders are related to Vata imbalance.
Other symptoms caused by excess of vata in the body are joint pains, constipation, dry skin, bad of memory, irregular heart rhythms, insomnia, stiffness of muscles, loss of strength, migraine, vertigo, tremors, anxiety, grief, fear, depression etc.
Other typical health problems of vata types include headaches, hypertension, dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, , muscle spasms, weight loss, lower back pain,  abdominal gas, diarrhea, sudden increase in hair loss, nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, premature ejaculation and other sexual dys-functions, arthritis. 

 Tennis players and Vata

We know that at the professional level the details make the difference.

When vata is deficient and unbalanced all capacities that are most important for tennis such as proper perceptions, quick reactions, quick decision making, coordination of movements and senses, emotional and mental stability and calmness are disturbed. The above cause a decrease of the precision and power of shots especially under difficult conditions (fatigue, stress, long time matches etc.). The mind and emotions become easily upset and thus cause a lack of concentration and indecision. All the above produce a poor play, unforced errors and inability to respond in difficult situations.

One of the main factors that aggravate Vata is the intense physical efforts. Tennis matches some times are very intense and last more than three or four hours. These strenuous efforts disturb the vata, deplete vital energy and make it flow improperly. This has as result the player to play in the next matches with less efficiency.

As I said above the imbalances of vital energy affects the coordination of movements which results to more unforced errors and double faults. The strokes are not also strong enough. Except the unforced errors the ball many times lands a few centimeters out of the line instead of being a little inside. The player is a little bit late at the right place to hit the ball properly.

Deficiency of vital energy and aggravated vata also affect the mental and emotional states. Insecurity, indecision, irritability, anxiety, loss of concentration can happen due to lack of prana and its improper flow. Emotions, thoughts and prana are interrelated and the one affect the other positively or negatively. When for example vata is aggravated due to fatigue then insecurity and irritability can appear. In their turn insecurity and irritability aggravate the vata more, creating thus a vicious circle.


Vata can be aggravated from various factors such as diet, the environment conditions, relations, the sensory inputs, thoughts and emotions, lifestyle and habits.

The tennis player must learn about all things that are related with vital energy and vata and try to avoid everything that disturbs and depletes the vital energy and vata. It is also necessary to learn techniques and make lifestyle changes in order to restore the vital energy and brings back balance to vata.
It is highly recommended for a player to visit an ayurvedic doctor that can find his physical and mental constitution and give him instructions to mainatian his doshas  balanced. He can devise a personalized plan for him, using delicious and nutritious foods, simple daily lifestyle changes and herbal medicines to restore his physical health, emotional balance and his energy levels.

It is also very important for tennis players to restore their vital energy and balance the vata during tournaments. They must recover as quick as possible after every match in order to be ready the next day to play under the better possible conditions.
There are many ways that can help athletes to restore balance and vitality. The tennis players must use techniques or methods that directly help them restore prana and bring balance to vata; at the same time he must learn methods that bring emotional and mental balance.

Here will see with more details what aggravates vata in the various areas of life.


Eating Vata-aggravating foods
Cold foods and drinks. Cool water.
Light food and fasting,
Dry foods, dry fruits
Eating of junk food, frozen foods and food that has been micro-waved.
Eating too much bitter, astringent and pungent tasted foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, beans, mushrooms and raw foods.
Eating while anxious or depressed.
Eating fast or on the run
Drinking alcohol, coffee, or black tea

The tennis player must learn from an ayurvedic doctor which food is appropriate for his constitution.

Water: When the weather is warm players usually drink cool water which eventually disturbs vata and it is not easily digested.

It is recommended players during the matches to consume water at the natural temperature. Ayuverda says also that we never must drink cool water or refreshments together with meals.


Too much traveling by any means of transportation. 

Too much sensory inputs: t.v., music, computer, etc.Watching too much television and over exposure to computers or any other kind of electric gadgets from strong waves are emitted, 
Very high level of sound (loud music), quick changes of images (advertisements on tv, internet etc. ).
No well organized daily program; Following an irregular daily routine (for food, sleep, work etc.)
Too much sexual activities;  the question that arises what is too much indeed? Everyone must find for himself what is good for him. Generally vata types are very easily disturbed by the sexual activities.
The players must avoid sexual activities during tournaments and intense training.

Suppression of natural urges like urination, defecation, sneezing, cough, tears etc..
Going to bed late at night; Staying awake till late night or not sleeping at all.
Speaking a lot and loudly; excess talking.
Drinking alcohol, coffee, and black tea.
Smoking cigarettes.
Taking too much medicinal, recreational and stimulating drugs. 
All the above have greatest impact on players when they are tired or under stress physical and psychological.
Excess physical and mental efforts. Overworking or too much sports.
Of course in tennis we cannot avoid intense efforts during matches or long games; nevertheless we can avoid unnecessary intensive training and reduce the participation in fewer tournaments during the season. Moreover the player must have enough rest to rejuvenate.
The player must also control his desire to win as more matches and tournaments as possible and listen to his mind and body needs. Maintaining physical and mental balance increases the possibility of winning matches and tournaments; the opposite increases stress and tension and leads to poor performance.


Emotional stress, (emotions of anger, agony, anxiety, fear and grief. etc. ) deplete the vital energy and aggravate vata. 
Excessive imagination and thinking.
A lot of mental exertion..

The tennis players must learn and practice methods that reduce stress, pacify negative emotions, develop positive thinking and increaase stilness and peace in the mind.

Cold and dry atmosphere
Strong or turbulent wind,
Excessive exposure to high noise level or high sounds.
Places with noise in the city, Traffic etc..

The players must live in places which are warm, quiet and close to nature.


I will mention here ways that can help the balancing of prana and vata.
There are two main things we must keep in mind in order to maintain or restore the balance of vata and prana.

First we have to avoid everything that aggravates vata and depletes prana and especially that factors which are predominant at the time been. It is higly recommeded the players to avoid all the factors mentioned above as much as possible.
Moreover the qualities of Vata dosha are : dry, light, rough, cold and subtle, mobile, quick and changeable, inconsistent or irregular, agitated or erratic. 
Therefore, as Ayurveda works on the principle that “like increases like” Vata people or people with unbalanced vata should avoid anything that has similar qualities with vata (viz. dry, light, rough, cold and subtle, mobile, quick and changeable, inconsistent or irregular, agitated or erratic),   because they will tend to increase vataVata dosha cannot be sensed directly, but it leaves its mark on our physical and mental activities with these qualities. 

Second as Ayurveda works on the principle that the opposite decreases its opposite we must be in contact with the opposite qualities of vata (viz. warm, regular, smooth, oily, liquid, heavy, grounded or steady, immobile, slow), because they will tend to decrease vata. It is higly recommeded the players to be in contact with the above qualities that decrease the accumullation and agravation of vata. 

We have to make appropriate changes and anjusments in the major areas in life and we also have to follow various healing methods and exercises that bring balance and restore prana and vata.

The major areas in life where personal choices can affect vata dosha. are from various factors such as diet, the environment conditions, relations, the sensory inputs, thoughts and emotions, lifestyle and habits.


Vata is mobile and inconsistent therefore it is balanced by regularity and stability. Developing a daily routine with consistent times for waking, meditating, eating, working, exercising, relaxing and sleeping is very helpful for soothing vata. Anywhere you can add structure and regularity to your daily activities will help pacify vata.

Be regular with your bedtime, mealtimes, and all habits.

Avoid excess multimedia stimulation, especially in the last few hours before bedtime.

Avoid food that aggravates vata and eat food that balance vata. Eat soothing, heavy, warming and nourishing foods, like cooked whole grains, vegetables, dairy and fruit, and soups and herbal teas.  

It is better to consult with an ayuverdic doctor about this issue. One must be also very attentive and sensitive about the effect of the food in his body and mind. Relaxation, self-observation and meditation are helpful for this.

Do mild exercise like Hatha yoga exerices., tai chi, walks in nature, and non-strenuous cycling and swimming, especially in natural surroundings.  

Breathing exercises (pranayama).
Affirmation, visualization
Have warm baths, rest and relax, practise deep breathing and meditation.

Abstinence from sexual activity especially during turnaments or periods of very hard practice.

Have regular Ayurvedic oil massage, as oil and heat are one of the best therapies for Vata. Massage with oil which contains special herbs that alleviate vata.

Have massage with sesame oil.

Proper food and proper way of eating (be concentrated keeping silence).
Deep profound sleep.
Avoid speaking and stay alone.
Avoiding watching tv or playing games.
Listening relaxing music
Natural healing such as reiki and Bach remedies.
Detoxification with Panchakarma which is an ayurvedic process that reduces the acumulation of doshas and bring them back to balance.

Live in a quiet enviroment inthe country side if  it is possible and spent much time in nature. 

 AYUEVEDIC Herbal Remedies

The ayurvedic herbal remedies can help a lot to keep vata and other doshas in balance or to bring them back in balance when are aggavated.
Developing a daily herbal regime is an excellent compliment to any vata-pacifying program. Changes in diet and lifestyle will minimize new vata aggravation while herbs help eliminate already accumulated vata from the system. Some herbal formulas for common vata imbalances are listed below:

Common Vata dosha imbalances:
·         Nervousness, anxiety, panic, fear 
·         Light, restless sleep
·         Twitches, tics, tremors, spasms
·         Cracking and popping joints 
·         Dry or chapped skin 
·         Dry, hard stools, constipation or gas
·         Low body weight, emaciation
·         Spacey, scattered feeling
·         Excess thinking or worrying, absentmindedness, poor memory

Broad spectrum vata-reducing herbs and formulas include:
Vata Massage Oil