Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ways Mental Training Can Help

Ways Mental Training Can Help

If you are an athlete, you have probably felt the pressure to win or experienced the fear of being beaten by your competitors.  Mental training can help athletes achieve their goals by:
  • Enhancing performance by using various mental strategies, such as visualization, self-talk and relaxation techniques, to help athletes overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.
  • Coping with the pressures of competition, dealing with pressure from parents, coaches, or even their own expectations.
  • Recovering from injuries, adhering to their physical therapy regimens, or adjusting to being sidelined.
  • Keeping up with training regimens by increasing motivation and tackling any related concerns.

    Examples of specific issues for athletes and coaches that mental training can address include:
    • Boosting self confidence,
    • Staying motivated and committed,
    • Maintaining emotional control during competition,
    • Reducing competitive stress and anxiety,
    • Performing "in the zone", 
    • Improving communication between the athlete and coach, and
    • Reducing the fear of failure or success.

    What are the causes of the faults?

    What are the causes of the faults?

    Having assessed the performance and identified that there is a fault then you need to determine why it is happening. Faults can be caused by:

    • Incorrect understanding of the movement by the athlete
    • Poor physical abilities
    • Fatigue
    • Doschic (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) imbalances
    • Emotional disturbances (anxiety, fear, anger, irritability, lack of self-confidence etc.)
    • Poor co-ordination of movement
    • Incorrect application of power
    • Lack of concentration
    • Inappropriate clothing or footwear
    • Inappropriate equipment
    • External factors e.g. weather conditions